
Member since February 2022

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Love it!

Timber Creek Dog Park

I see ALOT of Karen's who are saying they are "so upset" about dog's being off leash... And MOST of them are tiny dog owners or lab/retriever owners etc... And the ones ESPECIALLY pointing out that "big pitbulls" run up to them off leash... Ugh, HELLOOO! How arethese Karen's upset that a dog is running up to them being friendly? It's a DOG PARK! Fights CAN happen and WILL happen but if your a good handler you will immediately KNOW HOW TO SPERATE AND NOT BE SCARED TO! And if your the one scared of a certain breed being off leash THAN YOU MY LOVE SHOULD NOT BE AT THE DOG PARK because any dog has the right to be off leash and idk about you but my pitbull a Corso will NOT be punished because he is big and friendly! Every dog in that park deserves to try and be off leash and of course if something happens then nvr be off leash again HOWEVER, if you don't want to risk that than do NOT go to the DOG PARK! PERIOD! Sad seeing some ppl and their Karen ways! I had a lab latch onto my Corso andy boy sat there clenching because I am a good handler of my dogs! Ppl like these Karen's if my BIGGER DOG did fight back are the reasons big dogs like mine would get on trouble when they did ntn but defend himself! Even the small happy dog owners that lung at a big dog that is being nice want to act as of their "sweet baby" did ntn because of size when 99 out of 100 times it IS THE SMALL DOG YAPPING AND LUNGING CAUSING MOST PROBLEMS and us bigger dog owners let it go... It's a DOG PARK! A FABULOUS ONE AT THAT! So just know my 70/80lb pitbull and soon to be 120 plus lb Corso will be there swimming this summer! ♥️💯.... Xoxo... Your welcome and good luck with everything because this park is NICE ♥️ and hope y'all Karen's use your brain and realize if your happy little dog lunges at another and the other bigger dog snaps back PLZ BE FAIR AND REALIZE THAT WOULD BE YOUR DOG IN THE WRONG and don't punish due to size or a dog who is just hyper being friendly! Plz... Enjoy yourselves and the large dog owners PLZ HAVE RESPECT AND ATOP BUYING XL BREEDS UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED AND READY TO TAKE CONTROL if something gets out of hand! All dogs have the right to be off leash and have a chance to run without one! Again A GREAT DOG PARK! ATOP COMPLAINING ABOUT DOG FIGHTS! IT HAPPENS JUST LIKE KIDS ON THE PLAYGROUND! LIKE STOP IT!

Feb. 01, 2022

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